It's on an 18 x 24 " sheet of watercolor paper and started with watercolor paints and a very limited pallette. I kept adding layers over layers and kinda looking at the painting and asking "ok, where do you want to go now?" When it seemed that had gone on long enough I switched to acrylics and hid some things beneath tape to keep the watercolor. Then I added in some silver gouache and some shiny gel medium. (By the way, those areas are not as shiny as the appear in the photo - that flash thing you know.)
Thought I was done. Then the painting seemed to yell at me - "you may be done, woman, but I'm not!" So, back to work with some pastels. Now we're done, both of us. Or, maybe I'm just worn out.
I like this, Eddie! Especially the story behind how you created it and that it's multimedia. @tweets2go